Exciting times at Rock Creek – With new people visiting and looking to plug in each and every week, we need group leaders and host homes to connect Rock Creekers beyond our weekend services. All you have to do is be hospitable and facilitate a group conversation via Right Now Media biblical streaming content. Here is a testimony from one of our current group leaders who initially hesitated to lead a group:
God loves people and so should we. One of the best ways I know to do that is by making my home a safe place where people can come together, hang out, laugh, and make new friends all while deepening our relationship to Christ and each other. As an introverted person, I was nervous at first, but I realized I wasn’t leading the group rather I was simply facilitating a space for everyone to share in the discussion equally. No Bible PhD required! – Jason Boyd
To get signed up as a group leader, offer your house as a host home, or if you have any questions about leading a group, fill out the interest form below.