You’ve come to the right place! Here you will find access to all the resources you need to effectively lead your group. We measure discipleship through relationships that catalyze changed lives. Our weekend services are meant to capture our hearts to love God more. But we believe life is better lived in circles than in rows. Your wholehearted leadership will result in your group members identifying their Best Next Step. Click on the images below to find what you need.
Group Leader Interest Form
If you are interested in leading a group here at Rock Creek Church, we’d love to connect with you!
Sermon Notes
Check out our planning center app to find our weekly sermon notes, or click this tab for the web version.
Spiritual Development Track
Verbiage about track goes here.
Apprentice Leadership/Group Multiplication Track
Verbiage about track goes here.
Training Videos
Verbiage about videos goes here.
Ground Rules for Groups
Verbiage about rules goes here.
Group Roles
Verbiage about group roles goes here.
Missing something?
If you feel that there is a resource that could benefit our Rock Creek leaders that you do not yet see, let us know!